Wednesday, April 18, 2007

GE: March Prayer Meeting Message Summary: by Allen Vargheese and family

The message was based on Acts 3:1-10: Miracle of healing a lame man by Peter & John


Summary of the passage: A lame man at the gate of the temple asks Peter & John for alms. In the name of Jesus Christ, Peter gave a hand to the lame man and lifted him and he was healed. He goes along with Peter and John to the temple that we could never enter and praises the lord.


The message focuses on the four characteristics of lame man. 


1. His problem


He was stuck at the gate and was unable to go inside the church.


He sees others getting blessing but not for his problem.


His foundation was not strong.


In our life, we get stuck in life when things dont go as planned. Satan keeps pulling us back.


St. Luke 22:31

And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:

Simon was pulled by Satan, so he will us.


Example of problems in life: Un-forgiveness, Alcoholics


2 Cor 10:4

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;




2. His position


He is lying in front of a beautiful gate. He represents an ugly problem in front of Beautiful gate


Ex. of such situations in life: A Beautiful home (family) with an ugly problem (Alcohol addiction)


He was so close to the temple, but could never enter it. So even though he was so close, he was so far.


He could see others getting the blessings, but he could not get a blessing. His position could be the source of disappointment.


His position had lot of problems



3. His progression


He was begging at the beginning, but when Peter gave a hand and he was healed.


He progressed from a lame man to a cured man

He progressed from a waiting at the gate to entering the temple

He progressed from begging to praise the lord.


Lesson: In the name of Jesus, many things change. His problems vanish with the helping hand of Jesus.



4. His praise


When he was cured in the name of Jesus, he went to the temple and thanked God


Our foundation must be strengthened in the name of Jesus



How did people remember the 9th hour ?

1. The chief hours of prayer for the Jews were the third and ninth. Ninth hour corresponds to the evening sacrifices.


2. It was the very hour in which Jesus had died on the cross. And hence it has significance for Christians to offer the sacrifice in the temple.




Allen, Jisa & Rajesh

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